One year ago today I was at work, and very unexpectantly received an e-mail that contained the picture of the most beautiful child on the face of this earth. I can't believe how fast the year has gone by....yet at the time, it seemed like every hour was a week and every week was a year....time was just dragging on while waiting for a court date.
The following is part of a post that I wrote a week after referral, titled "referral reflections":
So, it's been a whole work week since I got the referral of my little girl. I can't believe I actually made it through the work week and actually got SOME work done (sorry PTR....maybe next week will be more productive). :) I have so many thoughts and feelings running through my mind and body that it's difficult to sort them all out. Here are the main things I'm feeling
Ill Prepared
In LOVE (oh, I said that one already)
In LOVE (oh, there it is again, hmmmmm)
This little girl is so amazing to me. And I hardly know her. I look at her picture (about 10,000 times a day...err, make that a minute) and I can't help but smile.....
So, now I sit and wait for the court date, and stare at this lovely little girl. Man how I love her already.
And one year later (8 months home), I feel the same way. Man how I love this little girl. She is growing up to be such an amazing little person. I sometimes look at her and wonder how I was ever so blessed. How did this perfect little child become mine? And all those feelings from that post a year ago, are all still there. ALL of them.
Still Terrified? Yep.
Still Blessed? The world over.
Still Smitten? Every day.
Still Unworthy? Absolutely.
Still Honored? More than you could know.
Still Scared? Oh yeah.
Still Fullfilled? More than I ever thought I COULD be.
Still In Love? I don't think my heart could love her any more.
I won't repost them get the picture. What I love most about my little Sabah is her unconditional love for me. She melts my heart when she wants to crawl into my lap and just have me hold her. She melts my heart when she gives me unsolicited kisses. She melts my heart every time I look at her, and she melts my heart every time I think about her. Thank you Lord for this precious little girl you have sent into my life!
OOh I'm all teary eyed.
Wow - a whole year has gone by! She sure is adorable. You truly are blessed.
What a wonderful post! Can you believe it has been a year?? 8 months have FLOWN by!
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