Saturday, December 27, 2008

I know, I'm a terrible blogger

I so didn't want to be one of THOSE bloggers who disappear after they bring their children home. I know what it is like to constantly click on someone's blog and see that they haven't updated (and most importantly, posted PICTURES) in weeks and think "come on people, update your blog". Sooooo frustrating. And now, here I am, one of THOSE. I will try to do better.

Of course, the big thing around here is, like just about everyone else, we celebrated Christmas. It was a bit different this year. Not only because I had Sabah, but because we got snowed in and couldn't make the 2 hour drive down to Eugene to spend Christmas with my parents and other family members. So, on Christmas Eve Sabah and I walked to the grocery store and bought food for Christmas dinner. Tina and her boys (her husband had to work), took the max train over to my house and we had a very small, very special Christmas. Because Ron (Tina's husband) had to work on Christmas day, they told the boys that Friday was Christmas and that Santa would bring presents on Thursday night, so all day Thursday they thought it was Christmas Eve. Ethan (he's three), thought it was hilarious that the people on the train all thought it was Christmas....he thought they were pretty misinformed. So cute.

Sabah, being 7 months old, wasn't that thrilled with the big day. She opened presents, but of course she was more interested in the wrapping paper rather than with what was wrapped. She sure looked cute in her Christmas dress though.

Since the snow finally melted, today we were able to go down to Eugene and spend the day there celebrating. The boys loved it because they got three days in a row of opening presents.

Anyway, blah blah blah.....I know the real reason you are all here is to see, here you go:Such a big girl....she can now sit up on her own (sorry about the blurr)

She LOVES her bath time

Sabah in her Snow Suit (don't let the grin fool you....she wasn't happy in this outfit)

Sabah and Santa Clause (they even match)

Sabah, Christmas morning waiting for her cousins to come over
Ethan, Sabah and Eli (cousin love)Lookin all cute in her new dressTrying to eat the wrapping paperFinally interested in a present.....of course, only because we got rid of the wrapping paper


veggiemom said...

That's the benefit of google reader...we don't always have to check and see if you post. We can just wait for your post to show up. :0)
Looks like it turned out to be a great first Christmas, even if you didn't get to follow through with original plans.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm with Kerri - my bloglines reader will tell me when you have a fresh post! and hey, those photos were worth waiting for!