Well, I knew my time would come. I’ve been tagged (thanks Tiffany), and the rules state that I must reveal 7 random things about myself, and then tag 7 others, so here goes:
7 Random things about Tania B.
1. About 12 years ago, I packed up all my belongings and moved, by MYSELF, to Hawaii. It was something that I always wanted to do, so I did it. It didn’t last very long, as I missed my sister horribly (and had a hard time finding a decent job). The adventure cost a fortune but I never once regretted moving, because NOW I KNOW. If I hadn’t have done it, I would always wonder about it.
2. I’m kind of a picky eater. I’m one of THOSE people who doesn’t like their food to touch. I’m not overly anal about it…..I mean, if it does touch, then so be it. I will still eat it. BUT, if you ever eat with me, you will notice that I am always pushing the different foods away from each other. My sister always teases me about it and says she is going to buy me those baby plates….the ones with the food dividers, only in adult size. To that I say ‘make them blue to match my other dishes”.
3. My sister and I had a very hard time pronouncing our “r’s” in elementary school. Apparently it was such a problem that we had to go to speech therapy once a week. At first we were mortified, but we LOVED our speech therapist, and by the time she released us we were very sad.
4. Even though we had a hard time pronouncing our “r’s” we were still very intelligent, and were asked to take a test to join the TAG (talented and gifted) program. We didn’t really want to be in TAG, so we failed the test on purpose. I don’t know for sure, but if I recall, we missed the exact same questions. Not just the same number of questions, but the exact SAME questions. Sometimes I think we have the same brain.
5. I was born breech (feet first), and was born 7 minutes after my sister. I like to tell the story of our birth like this: Apparently I got mad at her for coming over to my side of the womb (I made a chalk line down the middle…she wasn’t allowed to cross it...she did), so I started kicking her out. Well, she said to me “I ain’t goin out there by myself”, so she grabbed my leg and pulled me out along with her. That’s why I was feet first. HAHA.
6. I LOVE to travel. I’ve been to Thailand, Tahiti, The Philippines (twice), Mexico (several times), Hawaii (more times than I can count), and several states right here in the good ‘ol USA. All my trips are sun, sand and sea destinations. Ethiopia will be my first trip that isn’t tropical. I hope to continue to travel, just with a baby strapped to my back.
7. I bite my nails. It is a terrible habit, and I don’t like it, but it’s something I haven’t been able to stop. I don’t get down to the nubbins or anything, I just trim them with my teeth instead of clippers. I’m on a path to self improvement, so maybe I’ll put this on my list of things to work on. Maybe. :)
OK, here are the people I tag (usually others will link to their blog address, but I don't know how to do that, so I'll just give the names).
1. Rebecca F. (when you are feeling better of course)
2. Rebecca B. (rejotoblog)
3. Leah L.
4. Mona D.
5. Amber B.
6. Joy D.
7. Jeanne O.